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The Power of Living Holistically

Updated: Sep 29, 2019

The human mind and body has a natural desire to be in balance. But in today’s non-stop world, it’s easy for that fragile balance to be compromised.

We are under constant stress, we have too many demands on our time, we don’t get adequate sleep, move our bodies enough, or nourish ourselves properly. We allow hardships and trauma to dictate our reactions and feelings, and we become stuck in that cycle. So our mind and body rebels. Our systems begin to break down—opening the door for serious and sometimes life-threatening illnesses.

Anxiety disorders affect about 40 million American adults, which is about 18% of the adult population, and research suggests that nearly 30% of American adults will qualify for an anxiety disorder diagnosis at some point in their lives (and that doesn't take into account the number of children who are diagnosed).

The CDC reports that depression is a serious medical illness with mood, cognitive, and physical symptoms. Depression is associated with higher rates of chronic disease, increased health care utilization, and impaired functioning. Rates of treatment remain low, and the treatment received is often inadequate. Antidepressants are one of the three most commonly used therapeutic drug classes in the United States.

A sustained, holistic approach to nutrition and lifestyle has the power to significantly improve and even reverse your anxiety, depression and stress induced illnesses. The secret sauce is habit change.

By going back to basics, tuning in to your mind and body, and giving them the care, attention, and nutrition they deserve, you can reestablish equilibrium and conquer the health challenges that are hurting your quality of life.

You’ve got to understand all of the factors at play in your life that are contributing to your current health state (the root causes, if you will). Your job, your relationships, your hardships and trauma—these can all add to the stress on your body when not properly managed. Understanding how to recognize and react to external stress is critical to achieving whole body health.

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